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Domestic CP (26 clips)

Fun/Fraternity/Folklore CP (31 clips)

Illicit CP (22 clips)

Judicial CP (121 clips)

Military CP (17 clips)

School CP (418 clips)

Domestic CP

TV news item on domestic CP in Australia -- Australia: Parental smacking: 2 clips.

(1) Short TV news item (2006) on whether the smacking of kids should be outlawed in Australia.

(2) Brief extracts from a TV documentary (2013) showing a mother spanking her daughters.

Still from news item about parental spanking -- Canada: TV news item (2007) about a local school board offering parents lessons in how to spank their children.

A posed reconstruction of a child being spanked is shown over a phone interview in French with a psychologist who helped devise the spanking lessons for parents.

Young child spanked -- Canada: TV news item on legal battles over parental CP.

Clip (2003) shows parents spanking small children, interviews with a Christian father who spanks, lawyers, and activists, as anti-CP agitators take their case to the Canadian Supreme Court.

Domestic strapping of teen boy -- Peru: TV news report (2018) shows a man giving his teenage son a strapping.

mugshot -- United States: TV news report (2015) on a Florida father who called on the Sheriff's office to supervise the paddling of his 12-year-old daughter -- a service which, it turned out, they were happy to provide.

Father whipping son in garden -- United States: Father is filmed whipping his son with a belt.

In California, a man punishing his son in his garden attracts the attention of prying neighbors. TV report (2012).

mugshot -- United States: Father wrongly accused of child abuse.

A man who spanked his 9-year-old son is shocked to be charged with child abuse, an accusation his lawyer describes as unwarranted. TV report (2011) from Colorado.

Uncle spanks nephew -- United States: Young men whipped by their relatives or other concerned adults. Five clips.

(1) A teenager gets a whipping from his angry uncle's belt.

(2) A boy is punished in a light-hearted atmosphere.

(3) A young lad is whipped at school by his father.

(4) Two youths paddled by, allegedly, their father. UPDATE: It now appears that this clip is from South Africa, not the United States. Extra text added.

(5) A 14-year-old is whipped by the man he tried to rob.

TV debate on spanking -- United States: Proposal to ban spanking in Massachusetts.

Two TV news films giving rival CBS and ABC takes on a 2007 bill (which failed) in Massachusetts that would have outlawed parental corporal punishment in the home. Parents are briefly seen spanking their bratty toddlers.

Accused father -- United States: Spanking controversy.

10-minute news report from Florida (2007) about a man who is in trouble for spanking his 8-year-old son with a belt. Includes interview with the man and his lawyer.

Salvati with paddle -- United States: Free paddles for parents.

Two rival TV news items (2007) on carpenter Joey Salvati of Pennsylvania, who, in obedience to a message from God, makes paddles and sends them free to parents who wish to discipline their kids.

teen boy with belt -- United States: "Would you whoop your kids?"

Light-hearted interviews on an American street (c.2005) with people of differing ethnic backgrounds and views on parental spanking.

Fun/Fraternity/Folklore CP

Taekwondo celebration spanking-- Argentina: Taekwondo belting.

A youngster gets a whacking from his Taekwondo teammates to celebrate winning his black belt.

Sports club paddling-- China: Six new university students get an initiation paddling.

Whipping at festival -- Japan: Whipping custom at ancient festival.

Visitors to a cultural festival get their backsides jocularly whacked by men in masks.

Mexican flight school jocular paddling-- Mexico: Initiation paddlings -- two clips.

(1) At an air training school, a man gets whacked with a hefty paddle as his mates look on with amusement.

(2) A soldier is paddled in an office.

College boy, 18, getting spanked-- Poland: 18th-birthday spankings: Eight clips.

College boys celebrate attaining adulthood by receiving 18 whoops with a belt on the seat of their jeans in a Polish birthday tradition.

Footballer whipped -- Poland: Initiation beltings. Two clips.

(1) A new member of a football team is welcomed with a severe whipping.

(2) Three Polish Army officers are initiated in a mass belting session.

Initiation slippering/paddling-- Romania: Sports team initiation.

In a dormitory in Romania, serious bare-bottom pain for a young man being initiated into a sports team.

Russian soldier gets whacked-- Russia: Five films of spankings for army recruits.

(1) Three new entrants are welcomed with a ceremony that leaves them with very sore behinds.

(2) From a TV documentary about the Russian army. Rookie soldiers get a taste of the belt from their mates.

(3) A soldier bends over his bed for a hard whack with a paddle.

(4) A young army lad gets a belting from his dorm mates.

(5) A light-hearted whack with a belt for two boys.

Russian lads punished with belt-- Russia: Young sportsmen punished. Two clips.

(1) Two young weightlifters get the belt for smoking.

(2) Three boys whipped in a Taekwondo class.

woman slippering her boyfriend-- United States: Foot Locker commercial.

In a humorous advertisement for a chain of sports-shoe shops, a young woman tries out various different sneakers with which to punish her boyfriend across the seat of his boxers. Part of our "Spank while you sell" feature on CP imagery in advertising.

Paddled for fun-- United States: Fun paddlings. Three clips.

(1) Two young men demonstrate the use of the paddle for fun, and its after-effects.

(2) An American soldier in Iraq gets a paddle swat from one of his mates.

(3) "Thank you sir!": A real one-swat college fraternity paddling.

Paddled in classroom-- United States: "Mikey Getting Paddled".

A jocular birthday paddling in a classroom, date and location unknown. The implement used might be the school's real paddle.

Spanking machine in use-- United States: Two spanking machines. Part of our feature The Spanking Machine: A Resilient Myth in Popular Culture.
Videos not currently available

(1) An inventor demonstrates his experimental spanking machine on himself.

(2) Self-operated paddling device made out of an exercise bicycle.

Whipping ceremony-- Venezuela: Whipping of a girl.

A "first menstruation" rite-of-passage ceremony for girls in Venezuela.

Illicit CP

Caned: Rodrigo, 17 -- Canada: Fuss over the caning of a 17-year-old Taekwondo student.

News report, March 2018: Interview with student who agreed to accept posterial CP from his Korean martial-arts instructor. The youth's father, who supported the punishment, also speaks.

Shop robber gets spanked -- Canada: Spanking by store-owner.

News report, 2012: A shopkeeper in Quebec foils a would-be young robber and spanks his bare bottom.

Thieves punished -- Chile: Unofficial pants-down whipping for teenage thieves.

Bankers paddled -- China: Bank employees paddled in front of colleagues.

Office worker spanked -- China: Boss spanks office worker.

Vigilante caning -- Ghana: Illicit vigilante caning of a young man.

Spanking with swim flipper -- Iran: Three boys spanked in public.

Caught on camera at a public swimming pool in present-day Iran, punishment is administered with a flipper by the swim coach.

Paddling at drug centre-- Serbia: Unofficial paddling at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre.
Video not currently available

Youths being rounded up to be flogged-- South Africa: Unofficial whippings by vigilantes. Two films.

(1) Alleged rapists are rounded up to be flogged in 1999.

(2) Two youths get a public whipping in 2016.

Swiss army recruits get the belt-- Switzerland: Army recruits get a belting, 2010.

Tied to a tree and flogged-- Ukraine: Public flogging of an alleged looter, 2022.

Mass whacking of police recruits-- Zimbabwe: Police recruits initiation.

Video camera captures a mass whacking at a police training camp in 2009.

Illicit police caning-- Zimbabwe: Unofficial judicial punishments. Two clips.

(1) Illicit caning of man and woman by police.

(2) A girl and a boy are punished by a traditional village chief.

Judicial CP

Village whipping-- Unknown African countries: Community JCP -- Two clips.

(1) A traditional village whipping.

(2) A disorderly mob whips a thief mercilessly.

Police paddling in Brazil --Various countries - Seven clips.

Seven film clips showing extrajudicial or unofficial punishment in Mexico (3), Iraq (2), and Brazil (2). Some readers may find these scenes distasteful or harrowing.

Flogging of woman-- Afghanistan: Flogged for adultery.
Video not currently available

Public flogging of a man and a woman by sentence of a local court, 2015.

Flogging of girl-- Afghanistan: Flogged for escaping marriage.
Video not currently available

Protracted flogging by local mullahs of a teenage girl for running away from a forced marriage, 2010.

Woman being flogged in street-- Afghanistan: Woman flogged.

This 10-second video clip gives a fleeting glimpse of an impromptu flogging by the Taliban of a (mostly hidden from view) woman in a Kabul street, 2001.

Boy caned on hands-- Bangladesh: Boys caned on the hands by a village court.

Youth whipped on legs-- Colombia: A youth gets a public whipping on his legs as part of a tribal community punishment for murder (2008).

FARC rebel whipped on legs-- Colombia: More public whippings on the legs by tribal custom, this time of three FARC rebels for disturbing the peace. With news item (2012).
Video not currently available

Criminals punished-- Ecuador: Various offenders (male and female) whipped in public tribal punishment. Three clips.

Youths publicly whipped-- Guatemala: Public corporal punishment: two clips.

(1) Several young men whipped on the bare back in 2007.
Video not currently available

(2) Offenders publicly whipped on the clothed back in 2013.

Youths publicly whipped-- Guatemala: TV news clip shows four youths aged 18-20 receiving a public whipping from their elders on the orders of the local tribal court, 2007.

Dummy caning demonstration-- Hong Kong: Demonstration in the prison museum of the A-frame and cane formerly used for judicial CP.

-- India: Police floggings. Eight clips.

Teen boys flogged in street

(1) News item (2007): two youths get an unofficial flogging by police in a city street.

(2) In a police station in the Indian part of Punjab (2010), a youth is punished with the "patta", more often seen in Pakistani Punjab.

(3) Two men flogged with canes (2013) in what appears to be an attempt to extract confessions.

(4) Three youths get a strapping by women police (2013) for sexual harassment.

(5) Five men are severely caned outdoors (2011).

(6) Arrested men are randomly whipped in the street (2013).

(7) Suspected miscreants rounded up and caned (2015) in the city of Indore.

(8) Seven young men bend over for a police caning (2015) in a park in Allahabad.

Public flogging-- Indonesia: Two video clips of public canings in Aceh province.

(1) A man and a woman are each given 7 strokes in 2007. This gives a much clearer picture of the procedure than previous clips.
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(2) An earlier and less clear film from local TV in which a man and a woman are punished.
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Public whipping-- Indonesia: Unofficial public whippings -- two clips.
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(1) Five youths whipped on the bare back.

(2) A young thief gets a severe caning on his jeans.

Public flogging-- Iran: Two video clips of public floggings.

(1) 12 strokes with a whip are administered to a culprit lying flat on the ground.

(2) A man receives a public whipping for drinking alcohol.

punishment birch -- Isle of Man: TV news footage from 1969 and 1978. Two clips.
Part of our feature article on birching in the Isle of Man.

Birching frame -- Jersey: 53 years after being birched as a teenage criminal, an old man is interviewed about it. We also see the contraption used, still in storage after lying idle for 40 years.
Video not currently available

Caning of woman -- Kenya: Unofficial community punishment of a woman for adultery, 2015.

Flogging in Libya -- Libya: Mass public whipping, 2013.
Video not currently available

picture of man to be caned -- Malaysia: Fraudster, 34, sentenced to jail and caning.

May 2015: Scenes of the accused at the court premises.

Caned lads at court -- Malaysia: Three youths caned in open court.

June 2013: Freshly whipped lads seen in the court corridors.

Drug trafficker -- Malaysia: 22-year-old drug trafficker gets whipping.

June 2013: Scenes of the accused at the court premises.

picture of offender to be caned -- Malaysia: Former policeman's appeal against caning sentence is rejected.

Jan 2013: Scenes in court precincts as man to be caned for sexual offences is led to and fro.

Rapist-robbers paraded before the press -- Malaysia: Two youngsters sentenced to caning.
Video not currently available

Dec 2012: Two young men are paraded before TV cameras on the courtroom steps after being sentenced to strokes of the rotan for rape and robbery.

Coastguard patrol boat -- Malaysia: Illegal immigrants caned.
Video not currently available

Australian TV report, Feb 2011, on Malaysia's efforts, aided by the Australian government, to track down illegal immigrants and the people responsible for smuggling them. The Malaysian authorities remain unrepentant about their tough stance, which includes caning.

Cane weal -- Malaysia: Illegal immigrants caned.
Video not currently available

An earlier (2009) report on the same subject, including a view of an illegal immigrant's bottom after one stroke of the rotan.

Caning trestle ready -- Malaysia: Real JCP session.

A 22-minute film showing several genuine judicial canings in prison. Very graphic -- not suitable for squeamish viewers.

Buttocks being caned -- Malaysia: Two more prison canings. Not suitable for squeamish viewers.

(1) Graphic footage of a different Malaysian judicial caning. Full-length version of a 10-stroke caning for which we previously had only an "edited highlights" version.

(2) Clip of a similar but different 10-stroke rotan punishment, discovered in 2014.

Picture of woman sentenced to caning -- Malaysia: Furore over caning sentence on woman. Two clips.

(1) Woman sentenced to Sharia caning for drinking beer asks for the punishment to be administered in public. (In fact, it was never administered at all.)
Video not currently available

(2) 3-minute TV report (Aug 2009) gives background to the case. Includes an interview with her.

Caning of woman -- Malaysia: Syariah (religious) caning. Two clips.

(1) Demonstration on a dummy of the difference between the caning of Muslim men or women by order of religious courts (mild) and the judicial caning of male criminals (severe).
Video not currently available

(2) Part of the Syariah caning of a woman is shown. This was one of three, the first-ever canings of women in Malaysia (2010).
Video not currently available

Public paddling of woman under way --Maldives: Judicial paddling of young woman.

Public flogging under way -- Mali: Public whippings -- two video clips.

(1) Brief amateur video of a public whipping for alcohol use in Timbuktu following takeover by Islamist militants (2012).
Video not currently available

(2) A man and a woman are seen being publicly flogged for adultery (2012).

Loggers flogged -- Myanmar (Burma): Illegal loggers caned in the jungle.

Public whipping in progress -- Nigeria: Judicial whippings.

Two 4-minute extracts from a TV documentary about Sharia law in Zamfara state, Nigeria. A number of court-ordered whippings are shown being administered (2007).

Court caning in Nigeria -- Nigeria: Canings ordered by local courts: Two clips.

(1) Part of the 25-stroke caning of a man is caught on film.

(2) Two young men get a public flogging for stealing a chicken.

public flogging-- Pakistan: Three public floggings.

(1) A brief silent glimpse of an official caning in front of a crowd of thousands under the Zia regime, c.1980.

(2) Brief film of a another public caning of that era, and of the offender being carried away afterwards.

(3) Two drug dealers flogged by the Taliban in 2009 in Swat.

Teen boy being whipped-- Pakistan: More half-baked Taliban floggings (Feb 2010).
Video not currently available

Public strapping-- Pakistan: Eight clips of CP being administered by police.

(1) In Punjab, half a dozen prisoners are disembarked from a police van and given a public paddling in the street.

(2) A youth is slippered on his bare backside in a Lahore police station.

(3) A young man is similarly punished in a Punjab police station.

(4) In a Punjab police station yard, two offenders undergo posterial chastisement with the "patta".

(5) An offender receives a caning in a police station.

(6) Several thieves punished in a public place with the "patta" or leather paddle.

(7) More police whippings with the patta.

(8) Seven youths are disciplined with the "patta" in a very public place.

Flogging of woman-- Pakistan: Young woman receives public flogging from the Taliban.
Video not currently available

An unofficial flogging in the Swat Valley makes international headlines in 2009.

Youth bending over for a whipping-- Peru: Eight clips about public whippings by the local community.

(1) A young man and woman are whipped for adultery.

(2) Several men receive CP for using prostitutes, as does a prostitute herself.

(3) Three youthful robbers bend over to be punished on the seat of their jeans.

(4) A boy and a girl are disciplined with the whip for having a sexual relationship.

(5) The special vigilante whip used in Cajamarca is shown being made from bulls' penises.

(6) Three youths are publicly whipped for attempted burglary.

(7) In a different part of Peru, three teen boys are tried and whipped by a village court for stealing.

(8) Two lads get a whipping for stealing hats.

Public whipping of boy by his mother-- Peru: One further video clip of a public whipping.

Saudi whipping-- Saudi Arabia: A public whipping.

A video clip of Saudi JCP.
Video not currently available

Raif Badawi flogged-- Saudi Arabia: Part of Raif Badawi's flogging, Jan 2015.
Video not currently available

Saudi falaka-- Saudi Arabia: Mass falaka in prison.

Prisoners are seen being beaten on the soles of their feet. Not for squeamish viewers.
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Andy Shiu-- Singapore: A 3-minute TV news broadcast from April 1994 on the vandalism case involving Michael Fay but also, shown speaking here, 17-year-old Andy Shiu Chi Ho, who was to be caned (6 strokes) two months after this appearance.

German vandals-- Singapore: Two German youths sentenced to caning (3 strokes each) for vandalism, March 2015. Three video reports.

Riot in Singapore-- Singapore: Video report (May 2014) about a caning sentence for rioting.

Alexander Soh, 22--Singapore: Two video reports (July 2012).

(1) A 22-year-old is awarded a five-stroke caning for blackmail.

(2) Four youths aged between 19 and 23 receive varying caning sentences for rioting.

Puay De Feng, 21-- Singapore: Video report (2012) on a caning sentence for a young rioter.

Train vandalised by Fricker-- Singapore: Three video reports (June 2010) on Swiss vandal Oliver Fricker, his offences and his caning sentence.
Videos not currently available

Bending over for the cane-- Singapore: Staged reconstruction of a judicial caning in prison, from an official government film.

Dave Teo arrested-- Singapore: Two videos on the "AWOL soldier with gun" affair.

(1) September 2007: National serviceman Dave Teo, 20, is arrested with an accomplice.
Video not currently available

(2) July 2008: Teo is convicted and sentenced to jail plus 18 strokes of the cane. TV report gives background to the case.
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Public flogging-- Somalia: Two TV news reports of inept public floggings by Islamist militants.
One video not currently available

Whipping of woman-- Sudan: Public whipping of a woman for wearing trousers (2010). A very distasteful scene, made worse by the stupid manner in which it is carried out.

Whipping in Syria-- Syria/Iraq: Whippings by insurgent forces, including ISIS, who at the time had taken control of parts of both countries. Four films.

(1) Alleged informants are whipped on the soles of the feet.

(2) 2014: Two kneeling men are publicly whipped for unknown reasons.

(3) 2013: A standing-up man is publicly whipped for adultery.

(4) 2015: A kneeling boy is publicly whipped.

Open-air whipping-- Uganda: A man and a woman caned in public.
Video not currently available

The accused-- United States: TV news item (2015) about a social worker accused of paddling boys in his care.

Reconstruction of courtroom spanking-- United States: Judge Obermiller of Indiana explains his policy of ordering spankings for teen offenders (July 1962).

The spanking judge-- United States: Two news clips (2008) about a Texas judge who offered parents the option of paddling their youngsters in his courtroom.
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P. Moskos-- United States: PBS TV interview (2011) (6 minutes) with Peter Moskos, who discusses his book advocating flogging as an optional replacement for imprisonment in certain cases.
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Punishment of alleged thief in police station-- Venezuela: Paddlings of prisoners.

Five clips of formal (but presumably illegal) CP by police or prison officials.

Whipping in Yemen-- Yemen: Three prisoners, at least one of whom is a woman, are seen being whipped.
Video not currently available

Military CP

Soldiers being caned -- Cambodia: Outdoor punishment.

Four soldiers are seen receiving a caning.

Caning for lateness -- China: Aviation college caning.

Trainees punished for lateness.

Army cadet -- India: Unofficial military punishments. Three clips.

(1) A cadet in the Indian Army is disciplined with a hockey stick.

(2) Half a dozen army cadets are caned on the buttocks with switches.

(3) Canings of schoolboys at a private military academy.

Malaysian soldiers caned -- Malaysia: Unofficial caning.

Members of a commando unit in the Malaysian army get an unofficial on-the-spot caning in front of their comrades.
Video not currently available

Gurkha trainees -- Nepal: Gurkha trainees lightly caned.

Pakistan  soldiers spanked -- Pakistan: Army commandos punished with a belt, 2016.

Sri Lanka army training -- Sri Lanka: Caning of female army recruits during training.
Video not currently available

Cossack whipping -- Russia/Ukraine: Cossack soldiers whipped in Eastern Ukraine, 2014 (two clips).

Caning of Thai soldier -- Thailand: Young soldiers caned. Three clips.

(1) Seven army lads get one stroke of the cane in their PE kit in front of their peer group.

(2) Seven more soldiers are similarly punished in camouflage fatigues.

(3) Two recruits receive a more severe and formal caning. This is a real punishment, not a token ceremony.

Army lad gets the slipper -- United Kingdom: Unofficial slippering for an army lad.

A present-day British soldier is "sentenced" by his mates to a pants-down slippering (2007). It is a light-hearted affair, but a real punishment none the less.

Army boys -- United Kingdom: Short item from cinema newsreel, 1948.

The clip relates to a supposed 'controversy' about caning for teenage soldiers at an army apprentice school. Also another brief clip, evidently from out-takes (filmed for the same item but not used), of army lads purporting to discuss the choice between taking a caning and being confined to barracks. In fact the 'controversy' was fabricated, and official schoolboy-style "bend over the desk" canings for British army lads under 18 were accepted as quite normal within the service (though rarely mentioned outside it) until the practice was abolished in about 1955.

Naval trainees-- United Kingdom: A man describes getting the cane in the 1930s on a naval training ship.

School CP

Joke punishment with metre rule-- Various countries: Five video clips of jocular class spankings.

African classroom caning-- Unidentified country in Africa: A schoolboy receives "six of the best".

Youths spanked with strap-- Unidentified country in the Middle East: Male teenage students bend over for a strapping from their female teacher (2018).

Kevin Donnelly-- Australia: TV news report (July 2014) about a government education expert who caused controversy by saying he supported CP in schools.
Video not currently available

TV reporter with school cane-- Australia: Segment (2007) from a factual TV programme for children about suggestions that school CP should be brought back.

Dramatised reconstruction of school caning on the hand-- Australia: TV feature compares past (with caning) and present (without caning) treatment of schoolboy misbehaviour.

Shane Warne-- Australia: Cricket legend Shane Warne describes being caned at school in the 1980s.

Boys caned in class-- Azerbaijan: Group caning in classroom.

Strapping of schoolboys-- Bahamas, The: Six students punished with a strap by their PE teacher.
Brief silent clip from 2019, with news item.

Paddling of schoolboys-- Bangladesh: Two short classroom clips.

(1) Senior boys line up to be paddled in the classroom.

(2) Schoolboys lightly caned by roving master.

Senior boys caned in class-- Botswana: Senior schoolboys caned in class.

Boy bending over to be paddled in school corridor-- Canada: A real private-school paddling is caught on film in 1974.

Three versions of a scene from one of the St Johns schools of Canada, part of our series on "Top CP Schools".

Punishment at martial arts academy-- China: Caning at martial-arts academies. Two clips.

(1) Three young men undergo what appears to be a somewhat symbolic punishment.

(2) A Kung Fu student receives three hard strokes with a big wooden staff.

Caning of student-- China: Classroom caning or paddling: Eleven clips.

(1) Five boys each receive four strokes on the backside in front of their class.

(2) A boy in army uniform bends over to be caned.

(3) A young lady teacher does her best to cane a senior boy amid jocularity.

(4) A mass bare-bottom paddling of technical school students.

(5) A lady teacher whacks two boys in class with a small stick.

(6) Four secondary boys get a quick-fire paddling in class.

(7) Secondary students get a hard paddle swat at front of class.

(8) A succession of boys and girls are punished with a ruler on the hands.

(9) Seven secondary boys vigorously whacked with a broomstick.

(10) Twelve senior boys get a brisk classroom caning.

(11) Five teenagers bend over a chair for a light paddling.

schoolyard mass caning-- China: School caning: Three more clips.

(1) The caning in class of three girls and a boy is captured on a CCTV security camera.

(2) Several students caned in front of the school, filmed from the roof.

(3) Four secondary boys caned on the running track.

Cane in museum-- Denmark: The cane, outlawed in 1967, is shown in the Danish School Museum.
Video not currently available

Ecuador schoolboys punished-- Ecuador: Two senior students get strapped on the backside in class.

Public flogging in front of the school-- Ghana: Random mass schoolyard caning of secondary girls and boys.
Video not currently available

Caning of schoolgirls-- India: Schoolgirls caned on the hands in the classroom.

Public flogging in front of the school-- Indonesia: Public flogging at an Islamic boarding school (2011).
Video not currently available

Caning of students in Iran-- Iran: Senior school students rulered on the hands.
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Iraqi schoolboys punished en masse-- Iraq: Senior students mildly strapped on the hands.
Video not currently available

Schoolyard whipping-- Ivory Coast: Secondary students whipped in schoolyard.

Soldiers assist in holding two secondary schoolboys down while their headmaster whips them.
Video not currently available

Punishment at cycle racing school-- Japan: Canings at cycle racing school. Two clips.

Secondary boys getting the strap-- Jamaica: Teenage students get the strap on the hands.
Video not currently available

Punishment of teen boys in Kazakhstan-- Kazakhstan: Youths caned on seat at religious school.

Kenyan schoolboy caning-- Kenya: Mass punishments of school students. Five clips.

(1) Whipping of young boys and girls.

(2) Ten secondary boys caned.

(3) Four senior boys have to "bend tight" for a hard caning in the English tradition.

(4) Very young students caned at a rural village school.

(5) A boy and a girl punished in the school office.

Schoolboy being caned -- Malaysia: Five clips showing real-life schoolboy canings.

(1) A formal caning for four secondary lads.

(2) Mass whacking in the school yard.

(3) One stroke in the corridor.

(4) Group punishment in the school hall.

(5) Seven teenage boys caned in front of their school hostel.

Paddle at Christian School -- New Zealand: TV news item (2007) about a Christian school that tried to evade the ban on corporal punishment by having parents come to the school to administer a paddling.
Video not currently available

Caning in the school office -- Nigeria: Schoolboy canings. Two clips.

(1) A young boy is caned in the school office (2012).

(2) Many senior students get "six of the best" in public for skipping assembly (2017).

Caning of schoolboys -- Pakistan: Schoolboy punishments. 12 clips.

(1) Secondary boys in uniform are lined up at a college in Rawalpindi to receive one stroke of the cane each.

(2) Several students are seen being punished in a schoolyard in Azad Kashmir, under Pakistani rule.

(3) Senior schoolboys caned at a boarding school.

(4) Several college students get whackings in class.

(5) Senior students at a college in Punjab bend over for classroom punishment.

(6) A mass slippering of male school students, witnessed by both sexes.

(7) More of the above.

(8) Mass caning of senior students bending over in a school courtyard.

(9) Caning of a line of kneeling post-secondary students in Peshawar.

(10) An outdoor caning at a college in Punjab.

(11) Several senior boys caned at a college in Kashmir.

(12) Three college students get a mild rulering.

Caning of schoolboy -- Pakistan: Schoolboy punishments. Two more clips.

(1) A line of senior boys receive a spanking with teacher's hand (silent film).

(2) Four senior students caned in class, with an unusual modus operandi.

Cadets caned -- Pakistan: Corporal punishment of cadets at military school. Two clips.

classroom caning -- Palestine: Caning in the classroom.

Seven teenage boys are disciplined with a thick stick.

Caned schoolboy and mother -- St Lucia: TV news report on the caning of a schoolboy, 2009.

Mother says son, 11, was punished too severely; interview with Education Minister; pictures of alleged bruises on buttocks.
Video not currently available

Saudi school caning -- Saudi Arabia: A mass caning of 13 schoolboys, 2014.

Schoolgirl being publicly caned -- Sierra Leone: A girl and two boys are caned in front of the whole school.

Caning of Singapore schoolboy-- Singapore: Real-life footage of four formal, English-style canings over bending schoolboys' trousers.

(1) Five young lads get a stroke of the cane each for fighting.

(2) An upper-secondary student receives two hard strokes of the cane in front of his class.

(3) An upper-secondary boy bends over on stage to be disciplined in front of the whole school.

(4) A secondary boy undergoes a two-stroke caning in front of his classmates.

Schoolboy bending for discipline-- South Africa: Schoolboy posterial discipline. Three clips.

(1) Serious corporal punishment as a male student receives a vigorous formal caning.

(2) A large number of boys gets a whack on the backside in a light-hearted atmosphere.

(3) Two high-school students contrast sharply in the way they take a five-stroke classroom caning.

Illicit canings-- South Africa: Report on illegal school CP.

TV news item (2015) includes brief glimpses of classroom canings at a private high school in Bloemfontein.
Video not currently available

Schoolteacher wielding cane-- South Africa: Mass caning of schoolgirls.

Female students caned on the hands. News item (Oct 2013) with video of the punishment.

Schoolgirl being caned-- South Africa: Caning of high-school girls.

Several schoolgirls receive six strokes of the cane across the seat of their skirts (2016).

Schoolgirl being caned--South Korea: Eight real-life clips of schoolgirls being caned or paddled on their bottoms.

(1) Three girls are summoned in turn to the front of the class for a caning.

(2) Four students paddled by their lady teacher at the front of the class.

(3) About a dozen girls are caned in a schoolyard.

(4) A female high-school student receives five strokes of the cane in front of her class.

(5) Two younger girls are given light-hearted taps with a cane.

(6) TV news item (in Korean) includes real-life footage of a mass whacking of schoolgirls across the seat of their skirts. This one is serious and not in fun at all.

(7) TV news item (in Korean) shows the bruised bottoms of teenage girls caned at a boarding school.

(8) A corridor caning for an unpunctual student, in a light-hearted atmosphere.

Girl punished in class--South Korea: Three more examples of female students receiving posterial discipline.

(1) Half a dozen girls, and also two boys, get a caning in front of the class (silent film).

(2) Four secondary-school girls punished in front of their class in a jocular atmosphere.

(3) An older student is given three resounding paddle swats in a serious atmosphere.

Caning in progress -- South Korea: Eleven real-life clips of schoolboys receiving discipline across the seat of their trousers.

(1) Two secondary boys are briskly caned in a school corridor.

(2) A boy faces the blackboard to be punished with what looks like a ruler.

(3) Four senior students bend over the desk for a severe caning.

(4) A secondary boy is given a very hard paddling in the classroom.

(5) Four students receive strokes of the cane in a jocular atmosphere.

(6) A secondary student in the classic Korean punishment position receives 10 swats.

(7) Three senior students assume the customary Korean position for a vigorous caning in class.

(8) A mass classroom paddling for a queue of high-school boys.

(9) A student receives six whacks with a metre rule.

(10) A schoolboy is reluctant to submit to a caning but eventually accepts two hard strokes.

(11) 17 mid-teen students in a mass classroom caning.

Paddling in corridor -- South Korea: Schoolboy CP. Eight more clips.

(1) Five secondary students receive a routine paddling in a corridor.

(2) A teenager is vigorously rulered on the buttocks by his female teacher.

(3) A high-school student receives a firm paddling at the front of the class.

(4) Three strokes of the cane for a boy of 16.

(5) Three high-school boys receive five strokes of the cane each.

(6) A senior student bends over a table to receive 30 moderate paddle swats.

(7) Two high-school boys get vigorously caned at the front of the class.

(8) A 20-stroke class caning for a secondary student.

Expert defends corporal punishment -- South Korea: 15-minute TV programme about school corporal punishment.

An Australian documentary reports on caning in Korean schools and gives the pros and cons.

'Stick of love' -- South Korea: Traditional "Stick of love" ceremony at a boys' high school.

2006 TV news report (in Korean) shows students presenting their teachers with gifts of punishment canes, sent by their parents to help keep them in line.

Korean boy whacked-- South Korea: Silent clip from a mobile phone of a schoolboy being whacked in fun.

Caning in a classroom in Sudan-- Sudan: Classroom canings for secondary students. Four clips.

(1) A male secondary student is caned on the seat in a jocular classroom atmosphere.

(2) Three boys are vigorously chastised amid hilarity.

(3) A mass caning session in which three boys and four girls punished.

(4) A large group of secondary boys punished in class.

Caning of schoolgirl in Swaziland-- Swaziland: Caning of girls and boys at a village school.

Caning of schoolboys -- Taiwan: Classroom CP of teenage schoolboys. Two clips.

(1) Eighteen students caned at the teacher's desk in 2009.

(2) The same teacher gives a boy one paddle swat, followed by much rubbing of buttocks.

Caning of high-school swimmers -- Taiwan: Four teenage swimmers soundly caned by sports coach on the steps of their school.

Schoolboy paddled in class -- Taiwan: A student is paddled in front of his class at a junior high school, 2005.

Whacking for high-school baseball player -- Taiwan: High-school baseball coach severely punishes team members.

Student rubbing his buttocks as he returns to his place after a stroke of the cane -- Taiwan: Nine clips of classroom CP.

(1) Three teen boys receive canings across their bottoms for mistakes in an English assignment.

(2) A young student is punished on the hands in class.

(3) Two boys are caned by their lady teacher.

(4) A secondary boy gets a brisk paddling at the teacher's desk.

(5) Boy bends over for punishment with a broomstick.

(6) Two boys each receive a brisk caning over the teacher's desk.

(7) A hard paddling at the front of the class for a secondary student.

(8) Three young boys are caned at the blackboard.

(9) A young student receives a brisk 5-swat paddling.

Caned on the verandah -- Tanzania: Caning of young school students. Three clips.

(1) A headmistress canes a boy on his seat with a thin switch.

(2) A boy and a girl are punished outdoors with a thick stick by an inept headmaster: boy punished on seat, girl on hands.

(3) Three teen boys bend over for a moderate English-style caning.

Mass caning of schoolboys -- Tanzania: Mass caning of schoolboys by a government official (2019).

Caning of novice monk -- Thailand: Caning of a novice monk at a Buddhist temple (2014).
Video not currently available

Classroom caning -- Thailand: A video of the caning of a boy in front of his class which attracted media attention in 2013. With news item.
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Caning at boarding school -- Thailand: A mass caning at a boys' boarding school, which provoked a media storm locally. With news item (2010).
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mutual caning -- Thailand: Jocular punishment in which schoolboys are made to cane each other in front of their class.

Senior boys caned -- Thailand: Five clips of jocular schoolboy canings.

(1) At a Christian school, a lady teacher gives a student one stroke of the cane.

(2) A mass caning of eight senior boys in a jocular atmosphere.

(3) Another jocular mass caning at a boys' school.

(4) Two boys receive a stroke of the cane each from their lady teacher.

(5) Three boys caned at the front of a rowdy class.

Caning of school boys -- Thailand: Schoolboy canings of a more serious nature -- eight video clips.

(1) Two boys at a Christian school receive one stroke of the cane each.

(2) A caning is glimpsed through a classroom window.

(3) A mass caning of nine students at a secondary technical school.

(4) At the same technical school, more schoolboy canings.

(5) Two boys get a stroke of the cane each in the midst of a ball game in the schoolyard.

(6) Caning of morning latecomers outside the school.

(7) Two schoolboys lightly caned in class.

(8) Canings in the schoolyard.

Mass caning at technical college -- Thailand: 12 boys caned at technical school (2020).

punishment of schoolgirl in progress -- Thailand: Eight clips of mixed boys/girls secondary-school punishments.

(1) A number of students get the ruler on the hand.

(2) Several girls and boys receive posterial canings in a jocular atmosphere.

(3) Eight boys and two girls are given three strokes of the cane each.

(4) Half a dozen boys and one girl receive four strokes each across their bottoms.

(5) Boys and girls line up on arriving at school to be caned on the seat for lateness.

(6) Mass outdoor canings of students at morning assembly.

(7) Practically a whole class of students are lightly caned outside their classroom.

(8) A girl and six boys receive a sharp caning.

Teacher canes schoolgirl -- Thailand: Seven clips of official schoolgirl canings.

(1) Half a dozen schoolgirls are caned on their buttocks.

(2) About 20 girls are punished amid jocularity in a mixed class.

(3) A secondary schoolgirl is seen through a window receiving three strokes of the cane.

(4) Two more female students receive a caning.

(5) Classroom canings of girls for poor work.

(6) Three senior schoolgirls get three strokes of the cane each in front of the class.

(7) Five girls caned in a jocular atmosphere.

Prefect punishment in Tonga-- Tonga: Mass caning by prefects.

In the dormitory of a boarding school in Tonga, a 2011 mass whacking of teen boys by prefects that goes on for nearly 20 minutes. Also an Australian TV news item about the controversy excited by the case.

Richard Dimbleby with a cane -- United Kingdom: Brief excerpt from a 1950s TV item about school caning.

TV panel debate-- United Kingdom: TV coverage, 1970s. Three clips.

(1) A 10-minute discussion about school corporal punishment, from BBC Question Time in 1979.

(2) A nine-minute report from a Glasgow school that uses the belt, 1978.

(3) William F. Buckley Jr. hosts an hour-long debate about English school caning, 1973.

Page from punishment book -- United Kingdom: Press article and 5-minute TV report about Litherland High School in Liverpool, where 400 boys received 1,800 slipperings in one year (1982).

Tawse -- United Kingdom: TV news item about the European Court of Human Rights ruling in the Scottish tawse case (1982).

Clip shows tawse being made, staged shots of tawse in use, report on implications of Campbell and Cosans judgment for CP in UK schools.
Video not currently available

School Dinners caning-- United Kingdom: TV Nation (1994).

Michael Moore has great fun sending up the Brits and their penchant for corporal punishment. See those School Dinners whackings in full! Comedy at its best!

Caned schoolboy -- United Kingdom: A three-minute TV item in which a caning headmaster, and three caned boys, are interviewed (1996).

Pupils at Christian school-- United Kingdom: TV news report: A group of Christian schools take legal action against the ban on school CP (1999).

Christian school-- United Kingdom: TV news report: Sequel to the above item. The Court of Appeal rejects a Christian school's claim that the ban on CP is a contravention of human rights (2002).

Tawses in museum-- United Kingdom: TV news report: The Scottish school belt (tawse) rests in the museum; a local politician calls for it to be brought back (2006).

Demonstration of tawse -- United Kingdom: 25 years without the Scottish school tawse (2007).

BBC TV news report: present-day students are shown how the belt was administered, 25 years after it disappeared from state schools in Scotland.
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Matthew Wright with a cane-- United Kingdom: Bring back the cane (2007).

Segment from a daytime TV chat show discussing a survey which found that many parents would like to see corporal punishment reintroduced in schools.
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TV presenter with school cane -- United Kingdom: Bring back the cane? (2008).

A BBC TV feature in two parts about the implications of a survey which found that 20% of British teachers would still like to see corporal punishment brought back in schools.

In the second part, the show's presenter is persuaded to take a caning from a real schoolmaster.

Lord Lichfield-- United Kingdom: Harrow School. Two clips.

(1) Lord Lichfield visits his old school and reminisces about canings there.

(2) Present-day Harrovians are introduced to the ancient birching stool.

-- United States: Real school paddlings caught on camera. Page 1.
High school seniors paddled Nine clips of real-life American school paddlings under way.

(1) High-school seniors get licks in the hallway.

(2) More of the same.

(3) A student gets a hard one-swat paddling from coach in the locker room.

(4) A high-school boy chooses a paddle swat instead of referral for skipping class.

(5) A student receives five moderate licks with the paddle in a Mississippi high-school hallway.

(6) In a jocular atmosphere in a Texas high-school classroom, a sports coach administers one paddle swat.

(7) A very brief glimpse of a hard paddle swat administered at a private Catholic boys' high school in Louisiana.

(8) A young boy gets a paddling in the school gym in a jocular atmosphere.

(9) A jocular one-swat paddling in a Mississippi classroom.

-- United States: Real school paddlings caught on camera. Page 2. Schoolboy being paddled Seven more clips of real-life American school paddlings under way.

(1) Two senior girls are paddled in class in a highly jocular atmosphere.

(2) Three paddle swats each for two Louisiana high-school students.

(3) A young boy is paddled.

(4) Two one-swat high-school paddlings briefly glimpsed.

(5) Fleeting glimpse of another high-school paddling.

(6) A high-school boy gets two paddle swats in the classroom.

(7) A glimpse of another one-swat paddling.

Paddled high-school student -- United States: School paddling in 1978. Two clips.

(1) A rare piece of historic actuality: four-minute extract from a 1978 TV documentary showing a high-school punishment session in Pennsylvania.

(2) A 1978 TV news item about a high-school paddling in a small Oklahoma town. One of the spanked students is interviewed.

Imagined schoolroom paddling-- United States: Humorous cinema commercial imagines an old-time schoolroom paddling.

Part of our "Spank while you sell" feature on CP imagery in advertising.

TV news show-- United States: TV news report (Sep 2022) accompanying our article on the reintroduction of paddling in a Missouri school district.

Paddle-- United States: TV news report (April 2018) about CP at two schools in Mississippi.

Three Rivers students-- United States: Two TV news reports (July 2017) about school paddling in Texas.

(1) Three Rivers ISD decides to start spanking students again.

(2) In Bellevue ISD, the paddle never went away.

Paddle at West Laurens High School-- United States: TV news report (April 2016) from a school district in Georgia where the rod is not spared.
Video not currently available

TV presentation-- United States: TV news report (May 2015) on contrasting paddling policies in two Texas school districts.

Director of Schools-- United States: TV news report (Feb 2015) about an (unsuccessful) attempt to abolish school paddling in Tennessee.
Video not currently available

Florida school paddle-- United States: Four TV news reports (Nov 2014) about school paddling in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida and Texas.
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Texas school paddle-- United States: Two TV news reports (Sep 2014) about school paddling in Texas.
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(1) A mother complains that her seventh-grade son's paddling was excessive.

(2) A more general piece about paddling in certain East Texas school districts, and what people think about it.

School paddling trial report-- United States: TV news report (June 2014) on the acquittal on assault charges of a school principal in Mississippi who had paddled three boys.

Birthday spanking -- United States: A birthday spanking at a High School in North Carolina causes controversy (May 2014). Part of the spanking is shown.

School --United States: TV news report (Mar 2014): A newly created school district in Tennessee decides to introduce corporal punishment.
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Headmaster arrested -- United States: Three TV news reports (Feb 2014) on school paddling issues.

(1) In Mississippi, a complaint about CP at a private school.

(2) More on the Mississippi case, and a look at the legal situation. Is transient bruising "bodily harm"?
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(3) Focus on Tennessee, where one school district is contemplating reintroducing the paddle.
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Sheriff interviewed --United States: Video report (Jan 2014) on a middle-school paddling case in Georgia.
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Map of paddling states -- United States: 4-minute TV news debate on school paddling (Sep 2013) arising out of the case of a mother in Alabama who objected to it.

Pro-paddling campaigner -- United States: TV news report (June 2013) about a proposal to reintroduce the punishment paddle in a Texas school district that had abolished it five years previously.
Video not currently available

school paddle-- United States: News report, Feb 2013.

Local TV in North Carolina reports on school paddling in Robeson County.

Principal who no longer paddles -- United States: TV news report, November 2012: The current spanking situation in Tennessee schools. Some wish to abolish CP.
Video not currently available

Paddled schoolgirl with mother-- United States: Five TV news reports, September 2012.

Five clips from Texas, four of them covering a controversy about male administrators spanking girls, the other from a district where paddling is alive and well and everybody is happy.

School board office-- United States: TV news report, July 2012: A school district in Tennessee decides that parents will be assumed to consent to CP unless they state to the contrary in writing (instead of the other way round).
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TV presenter-- United States: Two TV news reports, June 2012: A school district in Arkansas reintroduces corporal punishment after a lapse of several years.
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NC school paddle-- United States: Three TV news reports, May 2012.
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(1) A North Carolina school district abolishes corporal punishment, though many local parents would have wished it kept.

(2) Interview with Rev. Kenneth Whalum of the Memphis (TN) school board, who wants paddling brought back.

(3) A Texas high-school principal is suspended over allegations that he paddled a student too hard. Bruises are seen.

School superintendent with paddle on desk-- United States: A TV news report on school CP, Feb 2012. Schools in rural Texas explain their paddling policies, for which there is local support. A senior high-school student says he prefers receiving CP to other punishments.

Mother and son-- United States: TV news report, Jan 2012: A mother complains about school paddling of her son, even though she had given permission for it.

TV debate-- United States: TV news report, Oct 2011: reactions to new law in North Carolina under which parents may exempt their students from CP.
Video not currently available

Pro-CP parent-- United States: TV news report, Sep 2011: Paddling statistics and debate in South Carolina.
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St. Augustine High School-- United States: TV news report on school CP, June 2011: Developments in the continuing dispute over paddling at St Augustine High School, New Orleans.
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A school student describing his spanking-- United States: Three TV news reports on school CP from May 2011:

(1) New legislation proposed in Texas to limit school CP. A student describes his paddling.

(2) School paddling as viewed in an ethnic-minority area of Texas.
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(3) Corporal punishment alive and well in a district of south-west Georgia.
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Paddle at Webb City High School, MO-- United States: TV news report from April 2011 on a Missouri school district where the paddle (pictured) is in regular use.

March in New Orleans-- United States: Nine TV news reports on school CP from March 2011:
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(1), (2) and (3) Three items about the latest developments at St Augustine in New Orleans.

(4) and (5) Reports on a new billboard campaign against corporal punishment in schools.

(6) A rally to support a proposed ban on paddling in Texas.

(7) and (8) Two reports about a mass march on the archdiocese in the ongoing attempt to restore paddling at St Augustine High in New Orleans.

(9) News item about a teacher in Florida who seems to have got a bit carried away.

Clergy in meeting at St Augs-- United States: TV news item on school CP from February 2011: Report on demonstration by students, parents and alumni against a ban on paddling at St Augustine High in New Orleans.

Texas school-- United States: Two TV news reports on school CP from December 2010:
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(1) A fuss in Texas about two 17-year-old girls paddled for going to the restroom without permission.

(2) The Mississippi basketball coach at the centre of a row over paddling returns to work; not everybody is pleased.

Players punished-- United States: Three TV news reports from November 2010 about school paddling.
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(1), (2) Complaints about a basketball coach spanking high-school players with a belt in Jackson, Mississippi, where corporal punishment is not permitted by the school district. PLUS: actual footage of one of the beltings caught on camera.

(3) A school district in Louisiana revises its CP rules, notably to allow for parental choice.

Thomasville Middle School-- United States: "New State Law Has Schools Rethinking Corporal Punishment", TV news report from N. Carolina, Oct 2010.
Video not currently available

TV reporter-- United States: Two TV news reports from September 2010 about school paddling.
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(1) A school district in North Carolina is amending its spanking policy.

(2) A look at corporal punishment in Arkansas schools.

Reporter describing 'Battle over the Paddle'-- United States: Two TV news reports from June 2010 about an attempt to reintroduce school paddling in Memphis, Tennessee.
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Paddling (probably staged)-- United States: Four TV news stories from May 2010 about school paddling:
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(1) A teacher in Dallas, where paddling was outlawed a few years ago, is campaigning for its return.

(2) East Texans split over corporal punishment.

(3) In Mississippi, a school accidentally paddles a boy whose mother had opted him out of CP.

(4) An Alabama school district gives parents a say in whether students are spanked.

Paddling school in Texas-- United States: Five school paddling news stories from April 2010.
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(1) At a high school in Alabama, 17 students are paddled for inappropriate attire at the senior prom.

(2) An attempt is being made in Congress to outlaw school paddling nationally. Report gives a Texas perspective.

(3) Report from Alvin, TX, where some schools still use CP.

(4) Schools in Temple, Texas, report improved behavior following the reintroduction a year ago of the paddle.

(5) Another short take on the Temple TX story, this time from distant Oregon.

Students in class--United States: Three school paddling news items from March 2010.
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(1) Teachers in an Arkansas school want CP to be brought back.

(2) TV crew visits a school district in North Carolina with the most paddlings in the state, but also one of the lowest levels of violent incidents.

(3) Another N. Carolina district with a relatively high spanking rate, but a low drop-out rate.

School paddle-- United States:Two school paddling news stories from Feb 2010.
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(1) Yet another mother, this time in New Mexico, complains about her son's paddling at school.

(2) A video report on the state of school CP in Kentucky.

Teacher paddling student-- United States: Substitute teacher gets involved in paddling prank: 2 clips.

(1) TV news segment from Tennessee (Dec 2009) about a strange case in which high-school students negotiated to get swats instead of doing their work.

(2) A 25-second clip of the actual paddling.

Paddled boys-- United States: Alabama father complains his sons' school paddlings were excessive.
Video not currently available

Two brothers were paddled for chronic tardiness to school. Their father supports CP but believes the swats were excessive. The elder boy, 17, talks about his punishment. TV news report from Oct 2009.

Paddling of student (probably posed)-- United States: Corporal punishment in Alabama.

A new report notes that paddling numbers are high in Alabama. A local TV report (Aug 2009) finds differing opinions, and interviews a school superintendent who says many parents support CP.
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Paddled schoolboy-- United States: Two TV news reports tied to archive news for May 2009.
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(1) Temple ISD in Texas reintroduces school paddling.

(2) In another Texas district, a paddled boy's mother complains about bruises on her son's bottom. The boy describes his punishment.

Charter school signboard-- United States: Two TV news reports tied to archive news for Feb 2009.
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(1) Governor of Ohio proposes a school paddling ban.

(2) A charter school in Memphis is under fire for its "public paddling" policy.

Student athletes being paddled-- United States: TV news report, Oct 2008: Corporal punishment is illegal in Chicago schools, but it turns out that sports coaches at several schools there have been paddling students. There is a brief and distant glimpse of a paddling caught on a security camera.
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TV presenter-- United States: A follow-up report (Dec 2008) on the above. Two coaches are fired for illegal paddling in Chicago schools.
Video not currently available

Vindicated principal-- United States: Paddling news from Missouri. Two TV news items from September 2008.

(1) Report on paddling policies in the north-east of the state, after a mother moves there from a non-paddling state and is shocked to discover that CP is on the books.

(2) A principal in another part of Missouri is found to have done no wrong in administering a paddling about which the student's mother complained.

Texas school paddle-- United States: Six TV news clips about school paddling.
All but one of these videos not currently available

These 6 excerpts from news shows on various US TV channels (in Arkansas, Kentucky, N. Carolina, Oklahoma and Texas) all come from August 2008. They relate to various decisions to abolish or extend school CP and, in particular, use the publication of an anti-CP ACLU/Human Rights Watch report as a peg on which to hang coverage of CP practice in their area. Two clips include interviews with paddled students. Scroll down the page to find each clip in its context.

Principal with paddle-- United States: Three excerpts from a TV documentary about a paddling school in Arkansas.

From a "fly-on-the-wall" TV series (Aug 2008) about schools and their principals, these three clips show the process whereby errant students at an Arkansas high school may opt for a paddling in lieu of Saturday school. Two such punishments are heard on the soundtrack from inside the principal's office -- one paddling of a boy and one of a girl, both aged about 17. The students who received them, and the principal, are interviewed. Two of these clips are new improved versions; the accompanying text has been expanded.

Paddled schoolboy-- United States: TV news report from April 2008: a Texas mother is angry about the severity with which, she says, her 17-year-old son (seen in the film playing drums) was paddled at high school.

School superintendent interviewed-- United States: North Carolina mother complains about paddling.

TV news item from Jan 2008 about the paddling of a student. His mother had given permission for the punishment, but then complained when it left marks on his rear. An investigation found there had been no abuse or wrongdoing on the part of the school.

Paddle at Mogadore High School-- United States: Proposed Ohio CP ban.

A TV news report (Jan 2008) on a proposal to abolish school CP in Ohio, including an interview with a high-school principal who uses the paddle.

News anchor with map of school district-- United States: Paddling controversy.

News report (Dec 2007) about the paddling of a boy, 11, in a Tennessee middle school. His grandmother had given permission for the punishment, but then complained that the swats were too hard. The district superintendent is interviewed.

Teacher interviewed-- United States: Interview with a Memphis teacher, May 2007, who says that the abolition of corporal punishment has failed.
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Memphis school board in session-- United States: Follow-up to the above.
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June 2007: Memphis school board meeting at which concerns are expressed over the consequences of abolishing CP. Two TV news reports, one before and one after the meeting. A school board member who wants paddling to be brought back is interviewed.

Reporter at Memphis meeting-- United States: Memphis, continued.
Video not currently available

A further follow-up to the previous two items. TV news report from Memphis school board town-hall meeting in July 2007 over continuing controversy about the Blue Ribbon Plan, which abolished CP. Speakers at the meeting are seen calling for the return of the paddle, and the reporter waves a paddle around for the camera.

Memphis town hall meeting-- United States: Yet more from Memphis.
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TV news report (August 2007) about another Memphis school board town-hall meeting. At this one, not a single speaker from the floor agreed with the Blue Ribbon Plan, under which paddling was abolished.

Memphis mayor addresses school board-- United States: Memphis update, May 2008.
Video not currently available

May 2008 and the dispute over CP in Memphis (see previous items) has not gone away. Now the city's Mayor, addressing the school board directly, calls for paddling to be brought back.

Alan Fleming-- United States: Members of the public are interviewed in Fayetteville, North Carolina, April 2007, on their views about corporal punishment in school in light of a bill to abolish paddling in the state.
Video not currently available

School student-- United States: TV news report, March 2007: Proposal to reintroduce paddling in Conway, Arkansas.
Video not currently available

Paddling principal in North Carolina-- United States: Two TV news reports from North Carolina, 2007.
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(1) A six-minute report (Nov 2007) includes an interview with a rural principal who believes the paddle is effective, and still uses it regularly.

(2) Two-minute clip (Jan 2007) gives brief overview of the CP situation in North Carolina.

Shep Smith on Fox News -- United States: TV news anchor Shepard Smith describes getting paddled at his private school in the late 1970s.

Old paddle-- United States: TV report (June 2007) from Chattanooga, Tennessee.
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A private school is closing down. The principal proposes to auction off his paddle.

TV journalist-- United States: TV report (August 2007) on a controversy over school discipline in Georgia.
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A schoolboy's parents refuse to let his school spank him. The mother is interviewed.

paddled student-- United States: TV news report on a school paddling case in 2005.
The report features a paddled boy in Texas and his complaining mother.
Video not currently available

Complaining mother-- United States: Yet another TV news report (2006) featuring a mother unhappy about her son's paddling at school, even though she had given permission for it.

This case is from Tennessee. In addition to the mother, the local Director of Schools is interviewed.

Basketball team-- United States: "Police: Coach ordered corporal punishment of player".
Video not currently available

TV news item from 2006 about allegations that a basketball coach at a high school in Virginia (where CP is banned in public schools) made members of the team take turns to spank one of their number.

Girl gets paddle (staged)-- United States: Three TV news reports (2006) about school paddling. Two are about a mass paddling of boys by the football coach at a middle school in Mississippi. The other is a visit to Texas where a school principal has reinstated CP to general approval, and includes a boy and a girl submitting to demonstration paddlings for the camera.

Schoolboy receives a caning-- Vietnam: Real-life corporal punishment of schoolboys in the classroom. 13 video clips.

(1) A secondary boy gets two strokes of the cane at the blackboard.

(2) Six boys come forward in turn for one paddle swat each in a jocular atmosphere.

(3) Another jocular punishment scene in the same setting as clip 2.

(4) 13 boys are caned (two strokes each on seat) at the blackboard.

(5) Younger boys paddled while lying across a desk.

(6) High-school boy punished two strokes by his lady teacher.

(7) 12 boys rulered at a high school in Saigon.

(8) A young lad plays the fool while being punished with a metre rule.

(9) In a more serious atmosphere, a mass paddling of students.

(10) Four students paddled in tracksuit uniform.

(11) Young boy in school uniform gets three whacks with a metre rule.

(12) Two high-school students paddled by their lady teacher in a neutral atmosphere.

(13) Two secondary boys get five strokes of the cane on the seat of their jeans.

Mass caning of schoolgirls-- Vietnam: Mass canings of schoolgirls are caught on camera. Three clips.

Schoolgirl caned-- Vietnam: Real classroom canings of girls and boys. Ten films.

Yemeni students punished-- Yemen: Mass punishment of students.
Video not currently available

Caning-- Zambia: Caned in the headmaster's office.

Caning of schoolboys-- Zimbabwe: Schoolboy canings. Two clips.

(1) Hard punishment for a group of high-school boys.

(2) "House caning day" at a boys' boarding school.

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Copyright © C. Farrell 2006-2023
Page updated November 2023